Application submitted for Reaching Communities: Big Lottery Fund

This year CODEC-UK has also submitted a project to BIG Lottery Fund and the name of the project is ‘Award for elderly ethnic minorities’. The CODEC-UK has submitted the application for the project.


If successful the project will start from July and will be for two years. The project will address the isolation and loneliness among the elder population of minor ethnic groups of the selected areas. Basically, the project focus on the elderly minority group and majority of them are from Nepalese community. The overall aim of the project is to provide supports to elders among the ethnic minority communities in selected areas and contribute to improve their quality of life.  The following are the main objectives of the project.

  • To support targeted group among the minority ethnic communities for social Integration
  • To engage the targeted group on recreational activities in the community
  • To conduct programmes for physical/psychological Health & Wellbeing of participants

This Project was rejected and CODEC-UK is working to develop the similar projects soon.

We always welcome anyone who wants to develop the projects for community work; if you have such community service project concepts; please email the details and your contact number at